By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 23, 2024
The Plague of Spammy Websites: How Children of the Dove Stands Out with Authenticity and Transparency Introduction: The internet is flooded with spammy websites, spreading misinformation, scams, and low-quality content. In this sea of spam, it's refreshing to find websites like Children of the Dove, committed to providing high-quality content with authenticity and transparency. In this blog post, we'll explore the pitfalls of spammy websites and how Children of the Dove sets a shining example of how to do it right. The Problem with Spammy Websites: - Manipulative tactics to boost search engine rankings - Misleading information and scams - ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 23, 2024
There are several reasons why you may be seeing a lot of spammy websites: 1. Low Barriers to Entry: With the ease of website creation and affordable hosting, anyone can create a website, regardless of their intentions. 2. Automated Website Generation: Some individuals or groups use automated tools to create multiple websites quickly, often with spammy content. 3. SEO Manipulation: Spammers try to manipulate search engine rankings by creating multiple websites with similar content, targeting specific keywords. 4. Monetization: Spam websites often aim to generate revenue through ads, affiliate marketing, or scams. 5. Lack of Effective Moderation: With the vast number of websites created ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 19, 2024
In-gage with your Spiritual Inner Self. Learn the emotional aspect of your own Ego then you will find another truer self. A Higher Self of Consciousness.It is when we lose our control of our emotions and action taken negatively that causes what we sometimes witness in this world, known as suffering. Here are a few lessons from my own experiences.Lesson one isDo not judge another until you can judge yourself. As with all Spiritual WisdomThere are depths and levels of judging.Each judgement becomes the magnetic attraction of manifestations of that exact experience. Judgement results in a remembering of that same experience, to show ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 19, 2024
I suppose I may start this out with a bit of an understanding of what it's like engaging with people on social media and when we speak with people to see what type of organization they are, their community if they are  a sole proprietorship. We speak with them to learn their goals, what their missions may be and to see if they're would like to align with the larger vision. Here I'll stay to the topic of organizations that we meet. It has been a bit of a challenge at times because of the difference in communications and the ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 17, 2024
Praying for Our Own AgendasIntroduction:  A Theory on PrayingPraying for our own agendas. I initially began writing this one I watched a huge lightning flash so I can receive that as synchronistic confirmation. Praying for our own agendas means that we pick a side and choose what prayer is beneficial.We choose the wording when we choose a side and created our own perspective of what that prayer should be. I'm only using this for an example, so let's address this from an observational point, meaning you do not pick a side..I will use Israel and Palestine as an example.For instance, right now ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 4, 2024
The Internal Battle of Ourselvesan Introduction and Theory ofKnowing Thyself. There's always an internal battle happening within yourself this is the struggle that many of us seem to find ourselves caught in, this battle of the ego. I have also referenced it as the Black Dragon. You're internal struggle is the breaking free of your own ego and the Black Dragon. This internal struggle will always continue in each lifetime. Each lifetime will have it's own types of struggles. It will not end until you have found as I said "Peace from the Pieces" then you will understand your inner self and ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 27, 2024
The Rainbow Feathered Serpent A Discussion of Knowing Thyself from Symbolisms. Part 3 of a series of Inner-standing:Finishing the series blog posts that coincide with The Rainbow Feathered Serpent The Black Dragon and The Blind Man, we are coming to the conclusion of Knowing ourselves. Thusly preparing to step into our truer spiritual identity as an ethical creature in symbolism known as the Rainbow Serpent the Dragon of many beautiful colors. This new formed Dragon has experienced consciously and in-gaging with their Higher self into Knowing Thyself and through many conscious experiences and gaining an observational viewing point they have grown from The ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Black Dragon and your Ego Article 3 in a series of INTRODUCTION:Darkness is your Ego. The Black Dragon is the EgoThere are three stages of metamorphosis as we see  and walk through our spiritual growths.In your spiritual growth you start out as the blind man in your primordial state of your being and your spiritual nature, because you are blind to the world around you. As you grow and age the world and the views of your parents begin to implement and create inside of your mind.A type of conditioning that creates your own ego as you are growing and learning ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Blind Man and Being LostArticle 2 in a series ofIntroduction:The blind man and why he is always lost. The blind man can be understood as a representation of our own selves lost and blind in an unfamiliar world.The blind man does not see that he is blind and does not observe what is around him. The blind man is a representation of you and your first primal nature,the state of being unconscious to the dimensional realities that are happening around you.The blind always seeks a path and always seeks assistance on their path, much like a passage in the Bible " ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Rainbow Serpent, The Black Dragon, and The Blind Man:Article 1 in a series of A Journey of Spiritual GrowthIntroduction:In many communities around the world, stories and legends serve as powerful tools for conveying wisdom and life lessons. This blog post explores the symbolism behind three intriguing characters - the Rainbow Serpent, the Black Dragon, and the Blind Man - and how their tales relate to the concepts of spiritual growth, ego, and the metaphorical blindness that can hinder our personal development.The Rainbow Serpent:The Rainbow Serpent is a prominent figure in Australian Aboriginal mythology, often associated with creation, fertility, and the ...