In-Gage or Dis-In-Gage Theory on Judgements

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 19, 2024
In-Gage or Dis-In-Gage Theory on Judgements

In-gage with your Spiritual Inner Self. 

Learn the emotional aspect of your own Ego then you will find another truer self. 
A Higher Self of Consciousness.
It is when we lose our control of our emotions and action taken negatively that causes what we sometimes witness in this world, known as suffering. Here are a few lessons from my own experiences.

Lesson one is

Do not judge another until you can judge yourself.

As with all Spiritual Wisdom
There are depths and levels of judging.

Each judgement becomes the magnetic attraction of manifestations of that exact experience. 
Judgement results in a remembering of that same experience, to show you that you were once in this exact experience. 

The judgement comes from witnessing another in an action, that you once also acted similarly.
The judgement is actually you judging yourself. 
The true observational point is to notice yourself judging your past self, and making another higher observation upon that witnessing event. 

Did YOU then In-gage and notice where you once were, or did you forget and place blame? 

To truly judge means
To judge yourself for your own actions. 

How can you judge someone, that, unlike you has not experienced this event? 
How can you judge the emotions, and reactions to actions that you experienced? 
How then can you judge someone else, going through their own experiences? 

Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself. 
Once you 'Inner-stand" how you judge, you begin to see a depth of love known as compassion.
To disengage would mean to stay locked in our ego without compassion and continual complaining of giving experiences or situations. 

The true judge is yourself. 
This is why I have shared before about
"The Great Reconciliation". 
When you judge yourself for all your own akashic records. 

There is a concept that God judges us for our sins.
Truthfully I tell you. 
You will judge your own emotions against yourself and these experiences in each lifetime.

Each lifetime a continual growth through experiences. 
Each lifetime another recorded Spiritual experience, recorded in your Akashic records.
Insert from the author.
Judgement allows us to "review" our own actions while being non present, yet present through Ego.
I am better than that...Yes, perhaps now you are...yet at one time... you were not.
The righteous auctions I have seen that actually make a difference in prayers or even judging another could be expressed in these sayings that I find absolutely works while in this 3D realm
"forgive them, they know not what they do"
My personal favorite is
" may you see the errors in your ways".
Remember now, it's all choices, all of this 3D realm is based on choices through actions.
Remember you DNA is a type of downloading while operating system. You like to know who's always watching you?
Well...YOU are.

The wisdom comes when we find "Peace from the Pieces"

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