Learning Organizations

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 19, 2024
Learning Organizations
I suppose I may start this out with a bit of an understanding of what it's like engaging with people on social media and when we speak with people to see what type of organization they are, their community if they are  a sole proprietorship. We speak with them to learn their goals, what their missions may be and to see if they're would like to align with the larger vision. 

Here I'll stay to the topic of organizations that we meet.
It has been a bit of a challenge at times because of the difference in communications and the misrepresentation of words. 
Even through these I have come across some of the most truest people by what they're doing to help children. This was another point I take and consideration, when we speak to founders.

When I started this idea one wish I had was to make sure that I do contact and engage with each of the organization founders or community leaders or someone who is knowledgeable. Mainly we speak with the founders. 
Through these engagements and speaking with them we establish a friendship, we gain an insight to their struggles. When we have this opportunity we gain a deeper compassion for others.

I also began to see that many of these people in some of these other countries do not have the same technology. Their accessibility to technology, or the funding for the technology. When you live in other countries you need online presence. Without access to online availability and the possibility of being seen, you may not receive funding.

This is where I began to see the possibilities with the use of these websites and stores.
I can actually assist and bring a change for people for children and hopefully for more.
I have access to possibilities that has potential to bring change.
I was deep into finding a use for what was being given to me. There is much within synchronistic confirmations here that lead me into finding a purpose with all of this. That's where I started applying all the pieces.

These pieces began as parts and stones in a foundation. I began speaking to founders and we discussed their situations and where their challenges were.
We began addressing certain points of how the fundamentals of many organizations worked, then looked for what could improve.
With these we began looking for sustainable alternatives.
These alternatives were resources that the communities already have. The complete vision is for each organization we network with is to become sustainable. This sustainability will come from the people in their own communities as the communities themselves grow.
We can then become a network utilizing each other as a body coming together.

What we do is find solutions. We create online presence with those that need it and wish to network with a larger group.
We create stores for apparel and other options.
This is just the beginning.
This is the foundation.
WE have other great ideas we hope to implement.

When we speak to these founders I begin with an explanation of what we do and how we can help.
I charge nothing for the beginning phases of how we help them. I create pages within my own website and can create websites as well. 
There is only currently a fee for the extra designs and apparel creation. That's it.
Some may find this crazy but something i recently learned is
It's a crazy world, but
Someone has to play in it.

Insert from the author:

I truly find it a bit of a surreal moment at times even now as I'm walking, noticing Louisiana and sharing this with you.( This draft was written a few week sago while walking in Louisianna. Many of my blogs come from the experience of the moment)
I find it surreal because after so many years of hearing this vision and moving forward in small steps, until finally the right pieces come together. Now I can actually move forward and create a change in the world like I've always wanted to do.
It is surreal because at some point or at some points I feel very afraid, and at some points I also feel very excited. At some points I also feel like I don't know if I can do this and at some points I feel like or I might think that maybe all this is for nothing. What I'm doing is useless and in truth who really knows other than the end result and how much actual effort is really put into it.

Those that see the possibilities that that can be done and what we can do to change people's lives and I think even if it's such a small contribution it's still in someone else's life. These have the possibilities of being a big contribution in someone else's life. 

So as we move forward and as I move forward and take the steps necessary to continue creating a possibility for others. I'm very grateful for those of you that have chosen to at least hear my journey, thank you.
May Consciousness and the Universe bless your life as you move as a spirit in a human experience and then that experience that we call life our emotional joys bring us each sensation even though sometimes those sensations may be sadness or pain but yet through the growth of it all we learn the truth in our h u e m a n form. Learn to #breakbread