Praying for Our Own Agendas

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 17, 2024
Praying for Our Own Agendas

Praying for Our Own Agendas

Introduction:  A Theory on Praying

Praying for our own agendas.
I initially began writing this one I watched a huge lightning flash so I can receive that as synchronistic confirmation. 

Praying for our own agendas means that we pick a side and choose what prayer is beneficial.
We choose the wording when we choose a side and created our own perspective of what that prayer should be. 

I'm only using this for an example, so let's address this from an observational point, meaning you do not pick a side..
I will use Israel and Palestine as an example.

For instance, right now we have Palestinians and Israelites fighting each other through warfare and each side has their own perspectives and reasons for why they are fighting one another. 
While this is happening, you can see posts on our social media with instances of propaganda through news and many other online platforms You may hear one side tell you pray for Israel and the other side tell you pray for Palestine. 

If you took a sided approach,
What would the wording in your prayer be?
What does this sound like?
You pray to your God and say "oh great God of Israel cover the Israel people but destroy all the Palestinians.!."?

Or is your prayer " oh great God of Palestine bring strength to our warriors as we destroy and kill all the Israelites.?"

I now ask you to observe. 
Do any of these two prayers sound in any form of love? Do they sound as if there is compassion for others?
Does this sound one-sided and with self agendas?

Is it a self-righteous love or a self-gaining love? 
Which God do we pray to and which country do we pray for?
We are placed into a decision of choosing an identity to defend or justify.
You see this is how we become separated. Through separative actions that have been conditioned to us through years. Society and through generational passing of the same traits. 

So which God do these two sides pray to?
Is it the same God that many people say is in the Bible? Or do they both have two separate gods the Palestinian God and the Israeli God?  Which one is more powerful? 
In today's world that power is shown through bombs and devastation.
So how do we define a true God as meaning would call it versus a CONSCIOUSNESS? 

I think the true action and prayer here would be to remember a prayer from Yeshua... 
That pertains along the lines of "Forgive them they know not what they do and "may you see the error in your ways". 

I find this the truest form of prayer from a higher Consciousness than you'll ever find because nowhere inside that prayer is their judgment it's only for them to see their own errors you have not judged an error or placed an error on them. You have not identified with a side to defend.

So as the simple written lines of an expressive experience from my observations I see the only and best prayer for both sides is that both sides may see the error in their ways. 

Now we know that there are what some call splinter cells or other cells that create these conflicts and generate them to Wars. Part of that is utilizing this old  poly-trick to create separation between two different countries on the same planet. 

We lose ourselves when we begin to identify with one side we have taken a judgment and placed it over another being because we were influenced to do so. 
Much of this influence comes from propaganda and other outlets.
Again this is where I shall always reside in my intuition and my discernment as the observer rather than a partaker of identifying myself with a side. Especially when I'm unsure which side is actually the correct side. Something I find wise to consider is, perhaps this time and many other times that we are choosing sides, we are losing our own true self-identity by an identifying with something external and something that is devised to destroy take away or kill another being. 

We must always use discernment through being an observer to avoid identifying with one side, rather than continuing with that agenda. Our viewpoints may be conflicted or blurred and this is mainly due because we are caught into the heat of the emotion at the moment. 

Again knowing thyself and your inner true spirit, staying as the observer and not identifying with any side will show you the deeper truths that underlie between any conflicts or any other tragedies we may experience while living on this planet in this world that is upside down and inverted. 

Insert from the author 
Each of these experiences and expressions that I share are not meant for anyone to identify with anything that I say it is up to you to become an observer for your own self then apply discernment with your intuition and your spirit before making any judgments especially before choosing any sides right or wrong left or right. 
With myself I sense the frustrations I sensed the sadness of the people experiencing these things and yet holding my emotions in check allows me to continue to discern before making a judgment and picking aside being a true observer. Avoid absorbing the emotions, this teaches us a stillness within ourselves another "Peace from the Pieces."
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