The Aura of The Rainbow Feathered Serpent
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 27, 2024
The Aura of The Rainbow Feathered Serpent
The Rainbow Feathered Serpent A Discussion of Knowing Thyself from Symbolisms. Part 3 of a series of Inner-standing:Finishing the series blog posts that coincide with The Rainbow Feathered Serpent The Black Dragon and The Blind Man, we are coming to the conclusion of Knowing ourselves. Thusly preparing to step into our truer spiritual identity as an ethical creature in symbolism known as the Rainbow Serpent the Dragon of many beautiful colors. This new formed ...
The Black Dragon
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Black Dragon
The Black Dragon and your Ego Article 3 in a series of INTRODUCTION:Darkness is your Ego. The Black Dragon is the EgoThere are three stages of metamorphosis as we see  and walk through our spiritual growths.In your spiritual growth you start out as the blind man in your primordial state of your being and your spiritual nature, because you are blind to the world around you. As you grow and age the ...
The Blind Man/ Being Lost
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Blind Man/ Being Lost
The Blind Man and Being LostArticle 2 in a series ofIntroduction:The blind man and why he is always lost. The blind man can be understood as a representation of our own selves lost and blind in an unfamiliar world.The blind man does not see that he is blind and does not observe what is around him. The blind man is a representation of you and your first primal nature,the state of being ...
By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Rainbow Serpent, The Black Dragon, and The Blind Man:Article 1 in a series of A Journey of Spiritual GrowthIntroduction:In many communities around the world, stories and legends serve as powerful tools for conveying wisdom and life lessons. This blog post explores the symbolism behind three intriguing characters - the Rainbow Serpent, the Black Dragon, and the Blind Man - and how their tales relate to the concepts of spiritual growth, ...