The Aura of The Rainbow Feathered Serpent

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 27, 2024
The Aura of The Rainbow Feathered Serpent
The Rainbow
Feathered Serpent 
A Discussion of Knowing Thyself from Symbolisms. 
Part 3 of a series of 

Finishing the series blog posts that coincide with The Rainbow Feathered Serpent The Black Dragon and The Blind Man, we are coming to the conclusion of Knowing ourselves.
Thusly preparing to step into our truer spiritual identity as an ethical creature in symbolism known as the Rainbow Serpent the Dragon of many beautiful colors. 
This new formed Dragon has experienced consciously and in-gaging with their Higher self into Knowing Thyself and through many conscious experiences and gaining an observational viewing point they have grown from The Blind Man through the stage of the Black Dragon, and now in true representation of themselves expressing their Auric Spiritual nature through the Rainbow Serpent. Each Serpent or Dragon may have its own color or multiple colors, this is why in the expression it  has been called the Rainbow Serpent. 

Truely acting from within themselves this is a person that has went through the stages of the blind person doing foolish things, and now has overcome their ego of The Black Dragon as they progressed further through experiences in their life. Through observation and seeking to Know-Thyself, they awaken themselves through the darkness of the ego of their own Spiritual form and Spiritual Representation or as I like to call it  "Peace from the Pieces" of chaos. A spiritual internal reflection of their own energetic state of consciousness.
Justly the Rainbow Serpent becomes its own being through each metamorphosis and stage of internal enlightenment and growth from the self-seeking state, into the state of Knowing Thyself.
It has  been said to Know Thyself and you will know the universe, for truth you are part of that same universe.
You have heard no man comes to the father but through me and yet I tell you that no man comes to Consciousness until he has seen the Consciousness within himself, and they themselves have stepped into the being of that Consciousness itself. 

Within this state of True Consciousness is when we have found our true Spiritual colors as an aura field that is represented as a shining from within externally or outwardly. This is why you hear people say wow you're shining today! They may see a bright light but yet not have identified the light as a true aura color.
Each of us has a Rainbow Representation in our own Spiritual self, or center.
The next question to ask yourself is, which color are you manifesting daily? 

In Retrospect there are several other great minds such as William Henry  who you may hear speak of the Rainbow Colored Body or the Light Etherical Body. 
This is the same name for many of the enlightened ones that you hear in many of the Buddhist teachings, the rainbow light body is a transformation of the human body from H u m a n to H u e m a n. They have grasped their own Dragon and learn to tame it creating the Light at the etherical body or through symbolism we can accept it as the Rainbow Feathered Serpent. 
Your Aura field will identify your true shining self. Your true shining spiritual energetic colors that are the shining of who you really are just as the Pink Floyd song "Shine on You Crazy Diamond". 
The representations of the music, the vibration and the symbolism is all around us it is up to you to grasp the synchronistic confirmations that guide you to your own Spiritual Awakening.
Each of us have our own synchronicities and the confirmations that follow to unlock your Awakening raise your vibrations create your DNA your akashic records so you can remember. It's lifetimes creating a new DNA structure breaking the cycle and becoming H u e m a n 
The Serpent now turn Dragon gains its own Aura and expresses itself when the Serpent becomes The Feathered Dragon, it then has gained a Consciousness to a level of expansion through the universe. 

To Know Thyself is to know your truth and Awakening through the stages of The Blind Man the  Black Dragon and into the Rainbow Serpent.

Insert from the author:

In representation of ourselves in a 3-dimensional existence we can be angels or demons. The Feathered Serpent in my inner standing is the Spiritual Phoenix that has rebirthed itself from the ashes of their own darkness. In my observations no man is different than the next...other than the choices they have taken in their own life path. This is where the defense is, only through choices, conscious or unconscious.
We are all here for a purpose whether that be large or small. It is still purpose-full or you would not be here.
If that purpose is to Awaken others then so be it. If that purpose is to only be a witness then so be if. Even to those who appear as NPCs they too have a purpose.

May each of you find your Spirit and Purpose.