The Black Dragon

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - April 24, 2024
The Black Dragon
The Black Dragon and your Ego 
Article 3 in a series of 


Darkness is your Ego. The Black Dragon is the Ego

There are three stages of metamorphosis as we see  and walk through our spiritual growths.
In your spiritual growth you start out as the blind man in your primordial state of your being and your spiritual nature, because you are blind to the world around you. As you grow and age the world and the views of your parents begin to implement and create inside of your mind.
A type of conditioning that creates your own ego as you are growing and learning through this world as an infant you are blind. You begin, as the blind man, but once you became older certain conditioning certain factors certain happenings in your life has created an alter ego that is in the  form of Darkness within yourself.
This alternate ego is a Shadow self of your true nature and is the darkness of your own shadows that shows itself outwardly.
This ego becomes an altered state of Darkness that resembles a Black Dragon.

The Black Dragon is the height of your ego and it's darkest stage the Black Dragon is your ego, expressing outwardly to this world and others.

Through years of conditioning social conformity and the sins of the father passed from generation to generation your ego has become a Black Dragon of your own Darkness of your own worst fears of your own worst enemies of your anxiety of your pain and suffering and the conditioning that you fed this Black Dragon daily. 

The Black Dragon does sees the Light but is either afraid or has hatred towards it. 
The Black Dragon chooses to stay in its own Darkness as it feels the ego is the source of its energy. 
The ego is nothing more than the manifestation of the Black Dragon. 
Each of us have an ego and have a Black Dragon it is our truest darkest self. 
The Black Dragon battles against The 
Light within your own self.
The Black Dragon battles against the light because it is not found it's true aura color. Know just as the ego has its Darkness it is the Black Dragon.
The Black Dragon is angry at the world and fierce and no longer complains like the blind man but takes actions that are malevolent or mischievous. The Black Dragon moves with the ego the ego and it are one.

Some wisdom from Yeshua concerning the ego "Then, feel at the peak of everything and be extremely moved, for your natural abundance, already in the cosmos, has multiplied all around you (from the blows on your heart):
Do everything extreme, including letting your ego disappear, for this is the secret of claiming your expanded home in the universe.

Drink a drop-or drench yourself. No matter where you turn you will find the Name inscribed in Light: it's all the One Creation.

A Releasing to our Parents and those that ill fully guided us, or imposed conditions

For so they shamed those before you:

All who are enraptured, saying inspired things-who produce on the outside what the spirit has given them within.
It is the sign of the prophecy to be persecuted by circumstances.
It is the sign of the prophets and prophetesses to feel the disunity around them intensely".

We them learn to forgive our parents and peers from.

Raising you through their own unresolved trauma.

Not being able to understand you, because they did not have the capacity to.

Not being able to teach you certain skills, as nobody taught them.

Being emotionally unavailable, as their parents were emotionally unavailable.

Doing the best they could with what they knew and had.

Following cultural norms that they were surrounded with.

Raising you through their own struggles, worries, pain, and fears.

Insert from the Author:

As each new shedding we experienced through this world and constantly shed one experience or lesson to the next as you are growing in your own Spiritual Awakening and truth of knowing thyself.
Know that the Black Dragon is part of you but yet you can change the colors of the Black Dragon to your own Aura just creating who you truly are within the Dragon that you have tamed.
This Dragon with your true Aura colors now becomes your inner strength rather than a darkness that hinders learn to master the Dragon as you heard through many vocal masters and knowing the Dragon is Knowing Thyself. 
The Dragon no longer is black as your ego but yet is the Auric state of your true spirit. 
Mastering the Dragon takes many years of knowing thyself and having a peace from the pieces of your experiences.