The Blind Man and Being Lost
Article 2 in a series of
The blind man and why he is always lost. 
The blind man can be understood as a representation of our own selves lost and blind
in an unfamiliar world.

The blind man does not see that he is blind and does not observe what is around him. 
The blind man is a representation of you and your first primal nature,
the state of being unconscious to the dimensional realities that are happening around you.
The blind always seeks a path and always seeks assistance on their path,
much like a passage in the Bible
" I was once blind but now I see"  
these are all perspectives of a path to find yourself.

When we are blind
we miss much of the realities of consciousness that are currently happening
around us. These are dimensional phases fields and structures. 

The blind man is similar to a child surrounded by those he does not know
the blind man is a representation of yourself looking for the light as a child.
Unable to see the truths from the conditioning. 

The blind man seeks but never finds and spends much of their day complaining
instead of seeking the light and its truth. 
The blind man is a complainer because they have not found their truth.
Always complaining of what was what could have been
and always complaining of the situation they are currently in and each situation is created by the blind man.
The blind man is constantly seeking externally for the answers instead of looking within.
 The blind man is easily duped into following others that are also blind.
The blind man will continue to complain as he gropes for the truth externally, not ever finding them within themselves.
The blind man walks, speaks and engages unconsciously.
The blind man much of the time is only conscious of themselves,
unaware of the realities around them.
The blind man is your primordial self
before you've learned to engage the ego and the light of the truth.
The blind man is who you are when you are lost and cannot be found.
The blind man only seeks engagements,
to satisfy their primordial basic needs that arise day to day.
The blind man is similar to someone still sleeping and is not awake. 

Blindness can have its many stages one can be permanently blind or one can be partially blind
it is similar to the story when Yeshua removes the scales from the Blind Man's eyes.
Until you have remove the scales you are still not seeing clearly.
The blind man may choose to stay blind and stay within his own Darkness.
Until  you have chosen to wake up and remove the scales the blindness will continue. 
Inner-stand your Spiritual Gifts and gain Vision