The Internal Battles

By Henric Reil #reiileyes - May 4, 2024
The Internal Battles
The Internal Battle of Ourselves
an Introduction and Theory of
Knowing Thyself. 

There's always an internal battle happening within yourself this is the struggle that many of us seem to find ourselves caught in, this battle of the ego. 

I have also referenced it as the Black Dragon.
You're internal struggle is the breaking free of your own ego and the Black Dragon. This internal struggle will always continue in each lifetime. Each lifetime will have it's own types of struggles. It will not end until you have found as I said "Peace from the Pieces" then you will understand your inner self and find peace while you walk in this world that is as some say "upside down. or inverted".

This internal struggle is daily until the Pieces have become a visual a remembrance of who you once were and you found Peace within it and within yourself and within what actions you have previously took, and #reilizing this being conscious now, you are aware of each and every action you shall now partake in. 

You have heard it said "it is me/I against the world" and yet in a perspective it is just you against the world, until you have found Peace. Then you realize we are all in a spiritual experience in a human three-dimensional form. 

It is you against the world as you are learning your own true Spiritual Self.
This is why you continue to struggle against it, complain against, it and fight against it. This is why you have included judgments into all of your previous and now known actions. You are unconscious of your own inner truths, and the Spirit within you.

There are always levels and depths and facets to struggles. One person's struggle is easy while difficult for another. What one may see as a struggle may be only a hill to climb versus a mountain. This is the reason why we continue to hear "come together we are One". This becomes a revelation at some point in your experience of this three-dimensional life. You possibly also experienced This same struggle or a struggle similar enough to it in your past life or lives.

 i believe the point is remembrance, remembering your past and remembering during this life ,and your actions. It is also being able to look at yourself at three points in your life to see where you once were, where you are now, and where you will or might be in your future. 

No one can take your struggle away from you it is yours it is yours to keep. If you wish it is yours to share if you need assistance, and the right assistance will show up to help you through that struggle.
In short you don't have to struggle alone but yet each struggle is a lesson and depending on the lesson itself you will find the wisdom within yourself a guide to help guide you or the guidance needed. 

In struggles we have emotional characteristics that may arise within us such as anger or fear passion, love, compassion. These are the #reilizations of your own consciousness that guides you through your emotional phases in your struggle. 
Through being conscious of each aspect of you. The Physical The Mental and the Meta-Physical/ or Spiritual you will find Peace from your struggles. You will find Peace from your battles. You will find "Peace from the Pieces".

Insert from the Author
I've been thinking this blog post up as I've been driving down the road after work on the way home and this internal struggle even as myself I've been experiencing through the dynamic fields of dimensional observations as this internal relevance for this blog post that is created. I love when I travel these winding country roads to bring my Consciousness to a pondering type of meditation in between the flow of the trees along with the greenery of spring and it's many different colors of green not to mention the beautiful flowers that are EMPATHS in this field three-dimensional field.
May you find Peace from the battles and struggles.
Please consider, these writings are all pieces of my own Peace that I have found will find and still seeking.
These are from my experiences through this lifetime.
They are my own, through each revelation and growth.
These are observations.
What I share may not align with you.
This is perfectly fine.
yet if we see that we all have struggles and battles...perhaps we will find another who also is a warrior.
Warrior Up.

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