Children of the Dove             

Operational Disclaimer 

This disclaimer is represented by Children of the Dove a non-profit type entity working to create sustainable resources and communities through networking and other technological or online devices.

Children of the Dove is created managed and operated currently by
Henric Reil.
Children of the Dove is a larger vision created by Henric Reil.
Henric Reil is the creator founder and owner of Children of the Dove
and any of its subsidiary partners, other businesses, DBAs  networking communities created online services from websites, web stores or any of the other Children of the Dove branded or named services or products offered.

Children of the Dove is the entity formed and created by Henric Reil as a non-profit type  entity working to bring change for all for the planet for all people and All creatures. Working as Non profit or when discretion is given or applicable service fees are granted.

Children of the Dove is a Spiritually Conscious created entity or could be considered as a religious type entity in its form and its structure.
Yet not being held solely to a religious type entity but a sovereign entity that does not hold discrimination to any people or class of people or any other classification of humans. We are all Human.
Please read our "Disclaimer".


Assistance or
Contract Agreement

• Children of the Dove thrives at operating itself professionally. We ask and expect each entity we network with to conduct themselves in the same type manners
• Children of the Dove is not for sale Children of the Dove is a service provider providing sets of services to organizations and communities that  we choose to work with.

• Children of the Dove chooses to operate itself as its own sovereign entity operated by its own sovereign Creator and founder.

• Children of the Dove reserves the right to modify adjust make amendments improvements or any other possible legal formalities needed in this disclaimer at any time needed as seen by the sole discretion of Children of the Dove it's representative or its founder.

• Children of the Dove is not your personal fundraiser Children of the Dove assist you in creating funds.

• Children of the Dove reserves the right to share or post about any organization they choose to network with.

• Children of the Dove reserves the right to remove your posts/content information or an other online related materials from their timeline or news feed or any other social or online accounts or any other related branded or online accounts created or operated in part to Children of the Dove.

*Children of the Dove holds all rights to choose the communities or the people of the communities or representatives  they choose to work with, network with operate with or provide assistance to.

• Children of the Dove is currently not a large entity and does not hold the legalities as large entities have.
Children of the Dove is more of a sole proprietorship non profit with services entity at this time and constructs and conducts itself in that manner there are no large legal fees nor legal expenditures needed from Children of the Dove. 

• Children of the Dove  will also state otherwise when the entity becomes larger or is considered the need to do so.

• Children of the Dove and it's Representatives holds the right to work on each networking community or organization at the speed and the availability that is present to them. 

• Children of the Dove holds the right to operate from its own pace as it is it's own entity sovereign from anything else and not bound to any other timelines or time constructed lines unless otherwise given as a completion date.

• Children of the Dove holds the right to remove themselves from contract or any agreement verbal written or any other form or publications social media or otherwise such as newspaper or other forms, if there is a action of misconduct or action of abuse or action of disrespect or action of a potential scam or action of a person potentially scamming or any other scamming or abuse of funds type involvement that COD finds appropriate to remove ourselves from. Representatives of communities are aware and have agreed to Children of    the Dove's contract or agreements for help, assistance or any other services Children of the Dove May provide them.

• Children of the Dove is solely networking with communities and its representatives to assist and offer services that are available from one non-profit community or for profit resources  to another community through networking.

• Children of the Dove does not have any claim in what communities or organizations choose to do for their goal or community fundraising events.
This is relied upon the community and it's own opportunities of growth and their choices in advertising or promoting their fundraisers. Children of the Dove claims all right to indemnity from any choices that organizations or communities or it's representatives may make.

• Children of the Dove claims indemnity from any legal actions taken by any outside organization business  community or person.

• Children of the Dove claims indemnity from any actions organizations or businesses or persons we network with choose to make while networking with Children of the Dove

• Children of the Dove does not have a final say so in the community driven goals of organizations or communities, Children of the Dove acts independently from each community or organization or representative in any said organizations or community we are only networking together as communities what one community chooses is in the right by that community and

• Children of the Dove always holds  it's own right to remove themselves from any organization that's goals are not in alignment with Children of the Doves larger vision or visions, or appear malicious in any form, conduct themselves fraudulently, or in similar manner.

• Children of the Dove nor any of its representatives at any time coerce or ad or imply any other given goals to any other organization other than assistance and networking or brainstorming.

•Children of the Dove does not hold a vote in any other organization unless given the opportunity through that organization.
Which then and if so will be a written formal vote or opportunity as vote through the organization's representative.

• Children of the Dove holds all rights to choose the communities or organizations located anywhere on the planet they choose to work with.
• Children of the Dove holds all rights to cancel  contract and and remove themselves  and the online sites from any organization or person that they may be assisting due to the organizations misdirection or miscommunication

• Children of the Dove creates its funding for its own organization through its other online opportunities and or agreements between organizations to share funding to Children of the Dove for their assistance.

• Children of the Dove receives funding through its other online means of web pages websites online functions online services online stores or it's own given donations that are solely used to help fund Children of the Dove and its visions.

• Children of the Dove reserves the right on where those funds are all located to which organization if Children of the Dove choose to help or when what time frame, how much money or what funds are allocated to any organization at any given time Children of the Dove will release this information through its online platforms through social media through its websites  emails and other online sources.

• Children of the Dove reserves the right to ask it's own group of participants or sponsors to a vote of allocatable funds, When Children of the Dove chooses, reserving the right's to do so.


Children of the Dove
will not be harassed or taking advantage of through any fundraising goal that Children of the Dove provides assistance too.
The organization's fundraising goals and visibility through online services is not solely dependent on Children of the Dove.
Each organization works their own fundraising opportunity and goals, t is up to each organization to find and utilize and amplify they're fundraising potential.
The fundraisers are set up by the representatives of each organization each organization finds their own availability of visibility to their fundraising goals. Children of the Dove is not the sole fundraiser nor responsible for any organizations funding.
Children of the Dove only assists find ways of funding. We Provides services and networking to help achieve this.
Children of the Dove is not liable nor owes any organization any money or any other type of serviceable good or any other commodity.

Children Within Fundraisers

• Children of the Dove does not have any vote or right and act of any care for any children through any organization that they are working with.

• Children of the Dove only works with the organization or community or person or representative itself  it does not hold a vote on the children or what the children's life goals or life opportunities may be.

• Children of the Dove is not focused on what the child learns as a life opportunity goal but yet only assisting the child through the organization and the organization sees fit for the child.

• Children of the Dove does not hold any relationship to the children nor does Children of the Dove hold any other known right relationship-wise or any other relationship to the children other than through the organization.

• The children shown on Children of the Doves web pages or websites or online stores are the chosen representatives of the organization's fundraisers.

• These children hold no right to anything of Children of the Dove nor does Children of the Dove hold any right to them.

• The organizations representative chose the faces of the fundraiser or the purpose or mission of their own fundraiser Children of the Dove is only assisting through their available services.

Postings and Social Media Engagements

• Children of the Dove and its founder asks that we have decency when we interact through social media.
• Children of the Dove has many social media accounts.. We look for transparency, honesty. We suggest when engaging with our followers and groups that each organization respect each other and avoid SPAM Posting through friends or other profiles. Meaning Please DO NOT Spam a post in comments or elsewhere, through our social media profiles.
• Respect the founder and the pages groups and profiles that have been created for each separate reason,
•There is an account for personal use an account for private, an account for community networking, an account for public interactions and selling products.
• Children of the Dove operates itself respectfully, and professionally we appreciate the same from any entity we network with.
Disrespect to this request may cause you to be rejected and further participation or assistance to be denied and ceased.
We find it rude when people disrespect another with Spam posts of your organization on others profiles.
Children of the Dove DOES NOT operate itself in this manner and we request that you do not also.
Continual disrespect will cause removal and cease of any services or assistance. 

 Donation Disclaimer                                           

• Children of the Dove is not responsible for any organizations misuse of funds,
Once you have made a donation your donation is FINAL. There is not a refund or any other returns.

Correct options have been identified in the fundraiser and this disclaimer

We will NOT TOLERATE ANYONE attempting to scam.

To Donate use the button link below. This will take you to our Pay Pal Donations area.
Donate Directly to Children of the Dove to further our mission, or donate to an organization you choose by leaving a note.
Thank You for all your support.