Children of the Dove
Networking with
Emasiro Grace Children's Home


Emasiro Grace's Orphan Outreach Program


Support Orphans to Achieve Their Dreams



Emasiro Grace Childrens Home

A "Community Based Organization" located in Africa, that provides housing food and schooling for orphans is looking for donations to assist in their mission to help orphans in their community. Emasiro Grace needs assistance in reaching their Orphan Outreach goals. Their mission is to provide housing and education for the orphans in their care.  All funding is currently sent directly to the founder's bank account in Africa. 


Michael Etemesi Kenyan citizen.
I am a private school teacher and a director of Emasiro Grace Childrens Home (under construction).
Each day is a struggle for many in my country. We are thankful and humbled by your donations, Please Donate Today.
You can send donations through Western Union, Please use my bank details for the transfer.

Name: Michael Etemesi Barasa


Bank: Kenya National bank

Branch: Bungoma

Account no: 01247097726700

Phone number:+ 254729748949

Michael Etmesi

Co-founder at Emasiro Grace Childrens Home


Support an Orphan to Achieve Their Dreams

Helping Children Achieve Their Dreams Initiative

Wish to Donate?

If not Please Will You

Read below to find out more about this Ongoing Mission

Call to Action



Community Engagement

Keeping a contact with the people in our community


Coming Soon
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Proceeds go to support the community. Find out how these help our community!  


Three Faces of our Mission

The Tallest Young man in the red shirt and cap is Maurice Munyendo Ekutu. He is 17 years old and is currently attending High School in Form 3..
He is one of several children that are needing assistance at Emasiro Grace. 


Next we have another young boy Michael Oburu Patis  in the middle is 12 years old and currently in grade 5.
These children need assistance to afford schooling and clothes.  


We also have Shadrack Okecho Wesley who is 9 years old and also in grade 5 Each of these young boys deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Each child has a dream and each deserves to reach their dreams.




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a non-profit that focuses on networking entities to form a Structured System.
We continue to network with
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