

Invest in a Child
Invest in their Future

Sound of God a new organization in Africa that works to support their community, has a vision they have been working towards. That vision is assisting  their community with orphans that need schooling. Sound of God has  been working on funding 10 children of various ages to attend school now for several years. Their mission has been to fund  these 10 children each year until completion. They will gladly fund more if the funding is possible this is why we are asking for help in supporting children that deserve this chance...just like any child should.

Your donations will help support each child as they attend school during the year. Currently we are asking funding for this school year which is only $1,500 US dollars! Yes $1,500 for ALL 10 Children!!!!!

This appropriated funding will provide schooling for the year, supplies, clothes,  available boarding ,as some will be living at the school. Your donations brighten their ability to achieve a future by receiving an education.

Unlike the United States in Africa tuition comes at a cost that some cannot afford. Each child must pay for their own  tuition. This becomes impossible especially when you are an orphan. Especially when you have not been given a chance from start....
Children of the Dove networking with Sound of God wishes to assist and bring this vision of a brighter future to these children.
Please read below  to become familiar with the faces of the children and if you are able, please offer a donation.


Francis Sikuku

Sound of God is created by Francis Sikuku. Francis works, plays instruments at church, at functions, he teaches children music. He has spent days in hospitals with people while they recover, he has set-up go fund me accounts that furnished homes for women, he continues to be a beacon of Christ working through hardships and sometimes donating blood to achieve certain funds that are needed. Francis has a larger vision for his community this one focusses on education.

Sound of God has 10 children that are attending school .This amount is $1500 USD. Each year Sound of God works to send these children to school allowing them to have the possibility to receive an education. What we hope to do is find funding for this current year...but not only for this year, but every year until schooling is completed. This is the amount for these 10 children each year $1500 USD
Who are these children? Keep reading to see what this will do to someone's life. Read on and  you'll see a few of  these children, learn about them, and notice their efforts to better their future.

Francis and Victor


 Here is Francis  with Victor a vibrant young man . He is a teenager  the age of 17 attending High School. Francis is showing Victor a school he will attend. Francis has been working with Victor  since 2017. Where he found Victor on the streets in Nairobi. Francis has worked with Victor in Primary School then Secondary School, now Victor is going to attend a Polytechnic School to learn a building construction course. Then he will return and begin helping the community by building homes for widows and single women. Victor has a vision also as he needs help with funding his schooling. This young man wishes to repay and help his community become sustainable with housing and construction knowledge. A young man that was given a chance....and sees a future.

Keep reading we have a few more children for you to meet.

This wonderful young lady is Millicent.
She is 15 years  of age, still a young teen. Who only wishes to get an education to better her future. She like many is an orphan, her parents passed away in 2016, which was around the time Francis 
was introduced to her as she was staying with her grandmother. Francis has been supporting her since 2018.When he began assisting her in primary school, she now wishes to join her secondary school at Inungo Mixed Secondary School. As you can see another young mind that has now the opportunity to receive education to prepare for a brighter future.



We would like to introduce you to Alvin. Another vibrant mind Francis has been supporting. Alvin is an orphan he  is 14 years of age. Another very young boy who was alone in this world, until Francis found him living with his grandmother. Francis has began working with Alvin since primary school. Alvin is beginning secondary school Alvin is also from Inungo.



 ---Please read Children of the Dove Operational Disclaimer page and general information that applies before submitting donations ---
----Please read ICIF Fundraising Disclaimer---
Here's how this works This is our own personal Fundraiser and Donations.
This reduces all costs to only the price of the transfer fees. More to the actual donation rather than a site with fees. Please use our donation button to donate. Please specify which organization you are donating to.

Each donation will be shown and seen by Francis  We will keep a weekly update of how much is current, through posts on our social media and other platforms as well as this one.
We then gather up funds each month or 3 months as donations come in. When we do it this way it makes it cost effective to send over a portion per each few months as to say it would cost each person individually. Most money transfer companies and other options charge a flat fee of $5.( when sending to Africa).
We will  save more donations by grouping a portion of the funds and then sending them to Sound of God directly to Francis. The long goal is to find a sponsor for each child if possible. Please reach out to us to find out how,and we truly appreciate you.

If you would like to donate directly to Francis his Western Union is
PHONE +254715394295,
Postal address P.O BOX 254715394295 -00520- Ruai Kenya

We have shared 3 of the children your donations will support. We plan to show more of their faces as this fundraiser grows. So you will yourself witness what your donations support in real time. Children of the Dove manages and creates these websites and pages or other online options we have. This may be on this page or through other linked pages we have created. This is a our concept that we are looking to create sustainability with. 
We currently have T shirts that you can purchase and show your support. Each Shirt is made when ordered. The cost of the shirt covers a set donation amount and costs to produce. This fundraising Donation page and the online store works together to gain funding through several options. 
Select the photo to go to the Store.

We will appreciate if you also follow our other links below simply click the photos.
Francis Sikuku 


Children of the Dove Creations


Children of the Dove Creations one of our FB groups where we share the journey. Come JOIN!




Children of the Dove Main Site